Tuesday 10 August 2010

Snapper and Bream

Only two weeks to go and the soccer season will be over. No more saturdays or sundays where time is at a premium and finally, I'll be able to get back to some serious fishing. Hallelujah!

A couple of weeks ago, Stewart and I set out for some snapper. the sea was supposed to be 0.7m but it was more like 2.7m! Still, we perservered but Stewie was the only winner for the day with a 45cm Reddie. While I, with my vast knowledge and incredible skill, I managed to land two stinky Pike. Great, huh?

Eventually we came back in and while I headed home, Stewart slunk off to his secret possie and managed five of 'em in about an hour, the biggest going 53cm. Next time, buddy, next time...

Last weekend I tried Captain Cooks Bridge for a jewfish or two and managed another donut. I wasn't going home empty handed though, so I turned my way towards shore and a set of jetties and pontoons that I was sure would hold a bream or two. It was the top of the tide and a hoped a soft plastic lobbed into the shadows would change my fortunes for the better.

The first few jetties I didn't even get a touch and I was wondering if the bream weren't there or if they weren't interested in my 3" Bass Minnow. I decided to change to a Gulp 6" Sandworm in camo cut in half. And first cast I drop what felt like a good fish.

Onto the next jetty and this time the hooks stick and out comes a plump 28 fork Bream. Yee hah! I'm on the board. Finally I can give the Hobie Livewell another run. The water temp is still quite low - only 14 degrees - so the fish are a bit sluggish still.

Off the next jetty I drop a small flattie and then it goes quiet for the next 3 or 4. I make it to the last one and there is a set of steps that lead down to the water. "There has to be one under there," I think as I skip the sandworm into the gloom.

As the lure sinks I notice the line 'tic' ever so slightly. This is normally a sign that something has picked it up so I slowly lift my rod and feel some weight on the line.When I feel it move off, I strike and I'm into number two! This fish puts on a better show and I just manage to get him out from under the steps and out into the open. A beautiful silver bream it is, too and it's the exact same length as the first one. Maybe twins, who knows? They are both in excellent condition and have obviously fattened up over winter. Two like this in a comp would be a good start and all you'd need is a kicker fish to be in with a show. But as much as I try, I can't get that one big fish on the moored boats I suss out on my way back.

Towards the end of next month is when the big flatties start to show up, so hopefully by the middle of October I'll have cracked my PB of 86cms and fingers crossed, the 1 meter mark. Come on the warmer weather! Happy yakkin', everyone!
