Monday 18 June 2012

Depot Beach - Snappy Time

Not a report from me but I wish I'd been there...

Stewart and a few of his buddies decided to escape the rat-race and headed south a couple of weekends ago to Depot Beach, a great spot to chase snapper, which is just north of Batemans Bay. With these legendary fish not far from the launch site, a good weekend was hoped to be had by all.

And they did, too! Phone calls deliberately intended to upset me, followed by photos that confirmed the tales that I presumed to be lies, only rubbed salt into the wounds of the unlucky anglers that were left at home. Conditions were pretty good; there was a marginal swell but at least it wasn't very lumpy and overcast skies meant the fish weren't too skittish.

A couple of the lads trolled hard bodies but Stewart stuck to SP's. 6" minnow style stickbaits and as is Stewart's way, he chases them basically on bream gear. The first fish punished him for this choice of tackle but the light gear meant that he was getting many more bites than the others.

The final tally was about 30 fish, with Stewart getting done over 3 times by big beasties that he couldn't stop. By-catch was a few flatties which normally are great, but they're rubbish when you're chasing these hump-headed sun-burnt bream on steroids.

This weekend I'm fishing with Gary Brown in the Western Sydney Bream and Bass annual Bream Scramble. This comp is open to all and is a teams event where you have to weigh in your 5 biggest bream. Gary and I took it out a few years ago, so we're due for another win. It's a boat only event, so no yaks allowed (boo, hiss) but it's always a great day. $140 entry fee with $1500 going to the winner and a BBQ thrown in, too. So if you yakkers have a friend with a boat, rock on up at 6am and join in. Comp times are 7am to 1pm. As I said, Gary and I have dibs on first place, but you can always try for second or third.  :  )  Full details and the entry form can be found here:

Hopefully I'll see you down there. Happy yakkin', everyone!
