Wednesday 12 February 2014

BLF Southern Bream Series - Round 1 - St Georges Basin - 8th-9th Feb 2014

Basin Lure and Fly have again picked up this great series and the first tournament of the year saw me standing on the shores of St George's Basin. Those that know me also know it's been a bit of a nemesis for me but lately I've been working her out and I was hoping for a better result this time. I lined up ready for the start along with 24 other keen yakkers and just after 7am we spread out to our various destinations.

I headed off to the weed beds around in Erowal Bay near the boat ramp and tried surface lures for about 10 minutes but without even a swirl I decided on a new tactic. I rigged up a Bait Breath SL Remix on a worm hook tied to 3lb Fluoro straight through. 

Using the slowly increasing wind, I'd punch out long casts and count to 3, figuring my SP would be just above the weeds. I'd retrieve with a slight lift and wind, pausing to let the lure flutter down again. This did the trick and within 20 minutes I had two 26 forkers in my well.

I persevered for another 30 minutes and dropped two fish before the bite slowed so I took off to the Cockle Beds. There were lots of boats around so I was hoping there'd be fish too. 

I started with a Gladiator Blade Runner and after two drifts I only had 4 Flathead come aboard. Starting another drift I went back to the SL remix (now rigged on a 1/12th jig head) and 2nd cast I pinned a 30 fork. Great, that's my bag and I still had time for upgrades. But it wasn't to be and after day one I stood in 7th place with 1.19 kgs, only 610 grams behind leader Simon Morley who had 1.8 kgs for 2 fish. If I could get a kicker tomorrow, I'd be back in the hunt. 

Day 2: The wind was expected to be even worse and true to form it was. I tried the weed beds again and couldn't even get a touch. Back out to the Cockle Beds and I hook up first cast. Only a flounder though and I proceed to move about and try various depths to try to find the fish. I find them alright but they're flathead, snapper, whiting...everything but bream. 

It was 10:45am and the wind was getting worse. I decided to try the deeper water out the front of the start area and I could see another yakker and a boat working the same area. The boater was Gary Brown and I could see them hooked up as I deployed my drift chute. 'That's a promising sign', I thought and I grab my Blade Runner again and started casting.

My first drift I dropped 3 fish. Aaarrggh! Come on! Back again I go and not long into it I get smacked. This thing screams off and I thought it has to be a snapper. I have to give chase and the wind and waves aren't doing me any favours either. Eventually she comes up and my eyes pop. She's a cracker and we circle each other while I try to get her into the net. Finally I get her in and what a relief that is. I didn't measure her but she looks about a 38 forker so I'm over the moon. 

Back to fishing and 15 minutes later I get a 33 fork and 20 minutes after that (and two more dropped fish) I get a 35 fork. Wow, what a turn around. Within one hour I have my bag and it's a good one, too. I land another 3 fish but none of them are better than these so I head back in wondering how all the others have gone. 

Back on the beach I'm hearing some tales and it seems the yakkers in front of me on day one haven't done as well as I have, except for Andrew Death who also has a cracking fish that may be bigger than mine. 

It was great to walk up to the weigh in with a heavy bag and with 2.82 kgs I managed to leapfrog to the number one spot with a total weight of 4.01 kgs. Yee hah! You bloody ripper. 

Andrew took out 2nd place and also big bream with his 1.35 kg beast (mine went 1.17 kg) and Simon came in 3rd. Simon was only able to fish until 10am on Saturday so if he'd have fished all day it may have been a different story. 

So my winning lures are of course all from Gladiator Tackle. Day one all my bream fell to the Bait Breath SL Remix while on day 2, they all were caught on a Blade Runner, slightly modified with keeper hooks on the back. The rods I use are Psyborgs and they're bloody brilliant!

I'd like to thank Stephen Blackmore from Gladiator for supporting me and also the Basin Lure and Fly Club for running these excellent events. And if you're after any of the Gladiator Tackle, contact Adam Costa from He'll look after you. Thanks for reading and see you all at the next round. Happy yakkin', everyone! 
