Friday 5 October 2012

Woolooware Bay - 30/9/12

Flatties for dinner, that was the quest and a quick flick for a jewfish or two wouldn't go astray either. Of course, it was a bit late in the morning for a jewfish but you never know. But the jewfish weren't about so I moved to some flats and started flicking about the same 100mm Squidgy slick rig. Two casts later I have my first flathead. Yay! Then about 5 casts after that, I get number two. Not huge croc's at about 45 cm's but they are the perfect eating size.

It went a bit quite so I moved locations and started flicking a blade about and picked up my very first Grinner. Then it was time for another flathead and three was enough for me. One lone bream got in on the act when he snaffled my Squidgy Bloodworm Wriggler and to cap off the morning, I briefly hooked up to a salmon that rocketed up from the bottom, jumped twice then threw back my lure.

I'm off on a south pacific cruise for 10 days and when I get back I'm down to St Georges Basin for the final of the Squidgy Southern Series Bream Comp. Then the week after that it's the last roll of the dice to qualify for the ABT Final with a two day event on Narrabeen Lake. Exciting times ahead.

So until I get back from the cruise, Happy yakkin' everybody!


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