Thursday 21 June 2007

Botany Bay Report - 21/6/07

I know! You're thinking 'ANOTHER report on Botany Bay!' but I'm sorry, the weather the last few weeks has really limited me to where I can fish. The rivers are the colour of coffee, with so much fresh in them that it wouldn't be worth throwing a line in. Give it a few days without rain and it'll be ok and if the weather holds, I'll try for some bream and jewfish around bridge pylons this weekend.

Luckily, the weather was fairly reasonable for a quick assault on the hotwater outlet and once again I had the place to myself. Funny about that... I always start with a few casts with surface lures just in case there are a few tailor hunting. After about 10 casts I switched to the Mojo SP and started working various depths trying to find a fish or two. I had the camera set up and about 15 minutes into filming I get a quick hit mid-retrieve. I paused then quickly twitched the lure. That was enough and 'crunch', I hook up.

This fish went straight for the bottom and I called it for a kingie. Not a big one though she still pulled a bit of line off the reel. I took my time so as not to pull the hooks and eased her up next to the yak then swung her aboard. A few snapshots and back into the water until next summer when we may meet up again. : )

I'd drifted a bit in the wind and current so I made my way back to the outlet. The next cast I decided to talk about how you can also fish SP's fast, skipping them across the surface when about 4 fish jostled for my lure when one of them, another small kingie, did half a cartwheel out of the water! Yeehah! None of the useless fools hooked up though, so out it goes again and another fast retrieve sees it snaffled after a few feet.

It goes deep again and I call it for anther kingfish but surprise, surprise, it's a tailor of about a kilo, that of course shreds the Mojo to bits. Ah, that's dinner but by the time I re-rig and get back to the spot they've all disappeared. The fishing can be like that at the outlet, one minute they're there, the next they're gone!

Well, if the action keeps going like this, I'll make regular little trips to the outlet this winter. It's only 500 meters from the beach and you virtually park your car right next to the launch spot and only have to carry the yak 30 meters. The Tailor will be around all winter and fingers crossed, a few kingies will stay about, too. Happy yakkin', everyone.


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