Wednesday 23 January 2008

Brisbane Waters - 18/1/08

Well, no kayaking for me for the last 2 weeks but I did manage to fish one of the Squidgy Bream Challenges up on Brisbane Waters with Gary Brown last weekend. Gary and I had both only fished there once before so we took some advice from a good mate who pointed us in the direction of some weedy sand flats and assured us we'd get stuck into the bream as the tide fell.

Upon arrival, we could see another 3 boats working the area. We gave them plenty of room and starting working various SP's and surface lures, including a new one for me, a Towadi (and yeah, yeah, for you experienced guys, I know they've been around for ages...). Only about 10 minutes into the fishing I land my first. "Aaaarrgghh!" 24cm's to the fork...bummer, as it has to be 25cm's, so back it goes. Soon after, I get another: 23cm's this time. Both were legal fish as far as the fisheries are concerned but they're no good for these comps.

Gary finally lands one that is 25cm's on the button, so YAY!, we're up and running. I pick up another one that's just under but this time it was on the Towadi, so at least I've christened the new lure. I change to a Gulp 3" Minnow in mouldy cheese colour rigged on a resin jighead and first cast at a post in the middle of a weed patch and WHAMO, it's snaffled straight away. This feels much better and he's a shoe-in at 29cm's. That's two in the well and it's only 10am. The bite went a bit quiet after that so we decided to leave the flats for the other boats and try somewhere else.

While motoring around we passed a nice little lagoon running off into deeper water and I flicked a camo sandworm into the current. I watched the line and it started moving against the current, which I thought was a bit unusual, so I struck and I'm into what feels like another keeper. And he would've been except for the fact he was a whiting. And a cracker at that, too. A real elbow slapper, he just snuck over the 42cm mark and he beat my previous PB whiting by 3 cm's. It's a lucky day for him though, and I ease him back into the water, thinking he looks more like a Bonefish than a whiting.

And that was about it for Gary and me. We landed the usual assortment of by-catch (flathead, tailor, flounder) and lost a few good bream, but we were never really in the running to take out the comp. To rub salt into the wounds, the guys that won the day were one of the boats working the same flats as us. They just hung around a bit longer and finally the bream went on the chew and they bagged out with their best 5 fish weighing in at 2.9kg's. Good on 'em, I say. We'll beat them next time though. Happy yakkin', everyone!


Tuesday 8 January 2008

Nepean River - 6/1/08 & Sylvania Waters - 8/1/08

Well it's been a couple of months but I finally managed to get out bassin'! Terry and I launched into the darkness at 4:30am (I know, what a bloody stupid time to be on the water!) and paddled, YES, PADDLED a few km's to get to the good spots well away from where the crowds usually haunt. Paddling was the way to go due to there being lots of weed about and Hobie Mirage Drives don't go too well in that stuff. And I'll tell you what, man, were my shoulders and back aching a bit the next day...

Just as it was getting light, we started flicking surface lures around. terry had a couple of hits but no hook ups. I decided to change to one of my EastCoast spinners to see if some were down deep. From behind me a hear a 'BOOF' followed quickly by 'I'm on!'. I decided to wind in and go take a photo when crunch, I'm on too! Double hook-up, way to go! No problems for me as this guy is a few meters away from cover and I keep him out of harms way. 35cm's he goes and Terry lands his which could've been the twin of mine.

The morning was simply beautiful and the bellbirds and kookaburras sang to us through the light showers that kept us nice and cool. Terry was the champion today and landed another 4 beauties, the best going 37cm's. All I managed were some spectacular surface strikes that sprayed water everywhere but failed to connect. Who's complaining though when you get to fish in such beautiful surrounds. We didn't see another soul for the 4 hours we were out and it really pays to put the miles in to to get to the secluded and productive areas.

Monday was my last day of my holidays so I just HAD to get out for a fish. The wind was blowing about 15-17 knots so I set off to Sylvania Waters where I know I can get out of the wind within the canals. The fish certainly weren't thick but I did manage a nice mixed bag of 3 bream, 1 whiting and a PB flounder (from the yak) of 29cm's. All the fish were caught from under pontoons and jetties on various SP's: Gulp 2" Sandworm (Camo), 3" Minnow (Limetiger) and 3" Minnow (Mouldy Cheese). I also worked the moored boat hulls over and never even had a touch.

I'm hoping the water in the Bay will clear up a bit which should see the Kings come back in and start lurking around their usual spots. Maybe this weekend I'll get that 1 meter monster! Happy yakkin, everyone!
