I'd competed in four of the events this year and didn't manage a podium finish in any of them, which cheesed me off big time, as I managed to do alright in the

This year we will all be competing out of Hobies angling flagship, the Pro Angler, which is now the choice of nearly all the top anglers for the tournaments. Steve, John, Greg and the crew have been frantically setting these amazing fishing platforms up for the last week and they are ready for allocation tomorrow morning for anglers wanting to pre-fish before the comp kicks off at 7am on Saturday morning.

I haven't been in one of these yet, but from all reports I'm in for a great weekend. The stability of these craft are second to none and standing while casting is a breeze. This has distinct advantages over sitting (longer casts, casting to sighted fish, better rod control, better visibility of the surrounding area).
Add the extra storage capabilities (you can even store six fully rigged rods within the hull), great maneuverability and quick speed and the scene is set for a cracker of a Grand Final. Plus by Hobie providing these for all anglers, interstate travellers don't have to worry about getting their own kayaks here and the field is completely level, with no craft having any advantage over another. For more photos (and thanks to Hobie for allowing me to use their photos in this post) on the setting up, follow this link to Hobie Fishing: http://www.hobiefishing.com.au/
So who are the top contenders? Stewart Dunn (Blueyak) is my favourite as he absolutely blitzed the field back in March for the State Titles that were held on this same system. But then you have consistent performers that can catch bream anywhere it seems: Greg Lewis, Jason Meecham, Jason Price, Dave Hedge, John Chen, Peter Woods and of course, the King himself, Scott Lovig that took it out last year.
Plus there's Matty Petrie, Neil Carstairs, Gary Cook, Adrian Ryan, Andrew Death, Rowan Stanek, Craig Coughlan and that local with the knowledge on all the hot spots, Roberta Pearce. All I know is it's gonna be a tough tournament to take out and the wind is really going to throw a spanner into the works.
Now it's time to load the car up and head up to Forster. Good luck to all competing this weekend, have a great time and may a few big blue noses make it into your live wells. Happy yakkin', everyone!
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