Thursday 10 March 2011

Towra Point...Again!

More practice before the big tourny at Forster so Andrew, Stewart and myself set off into the bay and across to Towra. Great conditions again and there are very few boats around at 6:15 in the morning. Magic times and once again we are greeted to another spectacular sunrise. That little spec you can see is Andrew.

We started off working the deeper water but after a fruitless (and fishless) 20 minutes, I moved into the mangroves to try the surface shenanigans again. This time I gave the whole arsenal a go. Nuthin'... Not even a hit! What the...? Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

Time for another change and I rig up with one of the Atomic semihardz that worked for me the other week. We kept dropping out into deeper water and eventually moved into the 3 meter zone. Finally, I get a solid hit and land my only fish for the day, a 32cm bream that sped off after a quick photo on the lie-detector.

I had to leave Stewart and Andrew and typically, they started to get a few fish after I'd gone. Andrew took the day out with a trevally, which according to him was the target fish. Stewart came a close 2nd with a king landed on silly string. What a fool! he should've known that a trevally beats a king any day.

But this weekend sees us attending one of the most anticipated rounds on the ABT kayak tournament circuit, it's the Daiwa/Hobie Forster round and as per usual, it'll be an absolute cracker. There are flats, weedbeds, racks, racks and more racks and more anglers are smashed up in this locale than probably anywhere else in Australia. At this stage, there are approximately 35 confirmed anglers and it'll definitely increase and hopefully we can crack the 50 mark.

As an added bonus this year, Steve Fields, General Manager of Hobie Australia, announced this very generous incentive for all of us to get involved:

"To show support for the Forster Fishing Carnival and the Daiwa-Hobie BREAM Kayak Series-R8 - Forster- 12-13th March, Hobie will provide a new 2011 Hobie Outback as a random prize. Only those who enter and fish both days of the Daiwa-Hobie BREAM Kayak Series-R8 - Forster- 12-13th March will be eligible. The top three place getters are removed from the pool for this prize. So everyone is in with a chance in one of Australia’s best fisheries! Let’s see if we can break the record for the largest field in this year’s rounds. I think Bemm was 57…..

So, even if you don't catch a fish all weekend, you still have a chance to walk away with one of the best fishing kayaks on the market, and I should know, cause I have one! For further details, please visit or for a downloadable PDF with all the details.

I'm setting off tomorrow but I know a few guys that are already on their way up there and will have a pre-fish tomorrow, so I'll be picking there brains on friday night. And rest assured, whatever they tell me, I'll do the opposite! ; ) Happy yakkin', everyone!


Wednesday 2 March 2011

Towra Point & Georges River - 27/2/11

Another quick trip out to Towra at dawn, hoping for those schools of Bonito and Kings to be busting up all over the place, but alas, it wasn't to be. After futiley searching for 30 minutes, I decided to head in towards the mangroves and try a bit of surface action for bream.

As I sat there rigging up with an Ecogear PX45F, I had the bejesus scared out of me by a mini water spout that decided to start up only 20 meters from where I was. It was a quite surreal experience as I'd never seen one in the 'flesh' before and the first few seconds really had me questioning what was going on. With a high pitched 'Whoosh', it shot off across the water away from me, pushing a bow wave in front of it and spraying water about 20 feet in the air. It continued on for a hundred meters or so before disappearing. As the day wore on, I witnessed another two zipping across the water in the distance and only wish I had my camera out to get a video of them. Amazing stuff.

Unfortunately, the fishing wasn't as amazing but I did manage a few bream from next to the mangroves as the tide dropped. No record breakers but still great fun on the light gear. I stuck with the PX but next time I'll mix it up a bit and try some Sammys and Sugapens and see how they go.

Then on sunday morning I took Lachlan down to Oyster Bay. Last trip I started to teach him how to cast and we continued his lessons today. We'd move along the shoreline and he'd cast towards it and I'd have him slowly retrieve the lure. He's getting pretty good at it now and he managed to land his first 'cast and retrieve' fish, a decent flattie of 42 cms that took a liking to his SX40. A little later he landed a 27cm bream while muggins here didn't even turn a reel. Looks like he's beating his dad already. And I'm as proud as punch. : ) Happy yakkin, everyone!

