Friday 4 May 2012

Breamin' with Tezza - 25/4/2012

As promised, here is the report from Terry. I'll follow this one up with a report on the couple of times I mad it out onto Botany Bay with Stewart, Andrew and Larry when we struck gold with the trevally and Tailor.

Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve done some serious bream spinning, so I organised with a mate to hit the Parramatta River on Good Friday in our yaks.

We met up in the car park at 5:30am, discussing our plan of attack on where to hit some spots. We slid the yaks into the water, as the tide was still rising to a 1.7mtr, we both started off with surface lures, hoping for some surface action, trying to tempt a bream or two to take our offerings. For me there was no interest, while my mate Jeff had a little interest, but they were only small fish, so I guess it wasn’t meant to be.

We moved on. Jeff fished with plastics, & I fished the rock walls with hard-bodies. We did this for ½ hour, still for no hits or bumps. I had two rods rigged with divers & each one was getting worked for nuthin’!

2 hours on the water and we still had zippo. I suggested we move to the main part of the river, as by this time the tide had turned around and still not too many stink boats were about. Off we headed to a particular spot I knew and we worked the rocky point that has plenty of barnacles over the rocks.  I was hoping that the bream would be there feeding and not long after arrival, my lure was smashed as the tip of the rod loaded towards the water. It felt solid as it headed for cover, but with a bit of rod work I steered him into the net and what a relief that was.

 Jeff was yet to catch his first bream, though he was getting some cracking whiting on his Atomic Hardz. Some fish were measuring 45cm which he was very amazed with, but luckily I was there to show Jeff what we were really after as whiting wasn’t our target species.

We kept at it, getting a few bream just under the legal limit, which kept us interested. Slowly we moved along the rock wall casting our lures.  Soon I was on again, for fish number 2; the signs were now looking good for us to get a bag of 5 in the well and possibly an upgrade or two.

 The next cast I led another chunky solid fish into the net. At this time of year the bream feed up ready for winter & some of these fish were of high quality.

The blood was pumping and I had a great feeling about this spot, that I would get my bag within a few casts and sure enough, I’m on again the very next cast: it was a hat-trick!
Now if it was a comp you’d be struggling to turn a reel, I think the bream know these days LOL. Jeff couldn’t believe how I got that many bream in so many casts & upgrade in between. Never mind Jeff there is always next time, maybe those Easter eggs you gave me gave me good luck.

There's some crackin' fish amongst those, Terry. Just catch them during a comp next time, eh? Happy yakkin', everyone!


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