Luke Kay has been bugging me for ages to head over to the Lane Cove River for a session. 'Come on, it'll be fun', he said. 'You'll catch a kegger,' he said. And so with this tempting offer, we set off from Woodford Bay just after 6am. Not only were bream expected, I was also hoping for a jewfish or two as Luke has hooked a few around this area lately.

We slowly cruised down to the mouth of the river and headed around towards Manns Point. We found a nice little drop off with some nice arches showing on our sounders so we started flicking our lures out. I started with a Little Max blade and had a few bumps but no hook ups. Time for a change so on goes the Bait Breath 2.4" SL Remix Chiby rigged on a 1/8th jig head, 4lb Gosen Bass Reloaded FC and Gosen 9lb Mebarin PE. First cast and whack, I'm on.
There were a few good head shakes and I called it for a jewfish at first but when she came up I realised Luke had been good on his promise. A nice fat bluenose 1.09 kgs bream! Fantastic. And there in the background of the photo you'll see the ever elusive 'Lukellus Kayius'.
: )

We picked up an assortment of fish: bream, tailor, flathead and flounder. The tide was just starting to turn and a bit more run might have brought the fish on the chew a bit more. Then to top the morning off just before we headed back, I come up tight on another good fish and this time it's a crackin' trevally. What a way to finish the session. Thanks for the invite Luke. And as Arnie said, 'Ill be back!' Happy yakkin', everyone!
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