Thursday 18 August 2016

Hobie Kayak Bream Series - St Georges Basin - 15th May 2016

The TT Lures Round 7 of the Hobie Bream Series was held on St Georges Basin on the weekend and this time it was launching from Basin View. I'd never fished this end of the Basin before but some valuable time spent studying the area on Google Earth helped me immensely with what I planned to do. I only hoped the other 56 anglers didn't have the same ideas as me!

My plan was to stick to the Swan Bay side of the Basin and first point of call was a plateau in the middle, which seemed to be the same plan as about a dozen other competitors. I picked my spot and first cast with a Bait Breath 2.4” SL Remix Bloodworm Chiby (rigged on a 1/8th TT Jig Head and 3lb Gosen Bass Reloaded FC) and it gets whacked and the drag sings. Happy days, that is until a nice snapper comes up. But it’s only about 10 minutes later when I get my first bream and it’s an 800g beauty!

A few minutes later I dropped one and then it went quiet so I moved out to the edge in about 6m and picked up bream no. 2 on an Ever Green Little Max blade. I kept heading south, working the deeper edges, hoping for the clouds to move in and also the wind. When they both finally did, I raced over to a weed bed flat I’d spotted on Google Earth.

Out goes the Chiby again (this time with a 1/40th HWS) and it gets smashed on the drop. This thing screamed off and buried me in the cockle weed. I manoeuvred the yak right above her and I tried for a few minutes but I just couldn’t get her out. I'd give her some slack line and she'd run off again. Eventually she does another run and this time she pinged me. Arrrggghhhhh!

By now I'd drifted a bit closer to the shore and I was in about 1.3-1.5m depth and I changed to a Bait Breath 3” SL Remix (colour 787) which is my favourite big fish soft plastic. I picked up two fish and the best goes 890 grams, so now I have close to 2.9kgs for my bag. But then the wind stops and so does the bite.

I drop back out to the deeper water and pick up another on the Little Max. Onto the scales it goes but it’s no upgrade. But hallelujah, the wind picks up again so I race back to the same spot as before and get another two fish. One weighs in at 760 grams (caught on a 3” SL Remix colour 784) which is a nice 170g upgrade that should see me just nudge over the 3kg mark.

Back on shore the bag went 3.06 kgs and I’m chuffed to say it was just enough to snare me my 2nd win of the year. Congrats to Mark Crompton on a very close second place and to Jim Barrie for taking out third and to Scott Carmody for that crackin' Boss Hog.

Thanks again to the major sponsors TT Lures and Hobie and Steve Fields and his crew for another superb event. And also to Chris Purnell and Tameika Purnell for the fantastic lunch. Bellisimo!

And to Stephen P Blackmore and Dane Tomaszewski from Gladiator Tackle, thanks for the continued support and the excellent products that are working so well. The photo above shows my winning lures for the day (including the chewed colour 787). I've gotta say that those Bait Breath SL Remixs are gold! Happy yakkin', everyone!


ps I almost forgot to add that it is always a pleasure to take the 20 bucks of Matty at the end of the day. : P I'm sure it won't be long though until the roles are reversed and I'm handing over the cash to him. Well, I hope not.

Thursday 4 August 2016

St Georges Basin Lure Selection - 12th May 2016

For those that might be interested, here is the selection of lures I plan to use this Sunday at the Hobie St Georges Basin round. They are all distributed by Gladiator Tackle and I'm confident they'll land me a few bream. Hopefully at least three (or four if it's a four bag comp)!

The top three are Ever Green Tiny Predators (the black one is a home pimp effort). And the green one is the lure that landed me the Boss Hog at Mallacoota earlier this year. The next two lures are IMA Tetra Monos. Then there are my trusty Gladiator Shiver Vibes (with another home pimping) followed by the Ever Green Little Max blades.

The top two soft plastics are the Bait Breath 3" SL Remix and then the 2.4" Chiby. The bottom one is an Ever Green C-4 Shrimp.

Now, how will I use them and where and when? That info can wait until monday I think... : P

Good luck to all competing and see you on Sunday morning. Thanks to Stephen Blackmore and Dane Tomaszewski from Gladiator Tackle for helping out with all the gear. Happy yakkin', everyone!


Ps And yes I will be throwing the Bingos. I just didn't think I needed to tell anyone that!