Tuesday 3 July 2007

Botany Bay - 30/6/07 & 1/7/07

I'd heard a few of the boys from AKFF were hitting the Hotwater Outlet on sunday morning but I was only able to get out saturday. I figured I'd better check the place out just in case. On arrival I could see a green boat working the spot. Scotty Lyons was there with one of his charters so I gave him a quick call and found out that they'd landed a few tailor and were currently hoooked up to a kingfish. Whooshka! I was set up and racing out there in about 5 minutes flat.

I was a bit later than usual and had missed the tailor run so I started working the SP's down deep. After about 15 minutes it was my turn. I don't know...catching these kingfish gets boring after a while...NOT! They are just an unbelievable fighter and from a yak they are brilliant. 68cm's he goes and it's another one for the BBQ.

Scott kindly took a photo for me (thanks Scott) and he put in another 10 minutes or so before heading over to Molineux Point to get a few trevally. I perservered at the Outlet, every now and then throwing a popper, searching for a tailor or two. But there was no joy on those today.

Back to the SP's (Mojo Twitchin Minnow in Salt n' Pepper) and BANG! OOOOOO-EEEEE. What a screamer! Three fast, long, strong runs and I'm thinking 'This'll be a new PB' but that was it for the fight really. He settled below me but he'd exhausted himself with his first runs. This one went 62cm's and was quickly unhooked and sent on his way.

I was granted a short leave pass and managed to drag myself out of bed to meet up with the guys from AKFF. Oh man, it was soooooooo windy and cold. Gatesy and Kraley were already out there at 6:30am when I arrived and when we joined them we found out that they'd been cleaning up on the tailor. They'd been taking SP's, poppers, minnows: Gatesy said you could've thrown a sock at them and hooked up.

I quickly threw out a East Coast Splash n' Dash which disappeared in a shower of water. Oh yeah...which was quickly followed by Oh no. The line had gone slack. Bitten off. Ahhhhh, fudge!
And within seconds, they'd gone. Most had caught something except for Peril and I who were obviously just too slow on the day.

I was chatting to Gatesy as we cast SP's for kings when he hooks up. Some solid runs, although obviously not huge, but still a hoot on the light gear. This was his first king on a SP so a few prayers were muttered until he slid the fish into the waiting net.

Not a legal fish, only going about 50cm's but it was the only king caught this morning, so Gatesy was the King of Kings this sunday. Some of the other guys decided to head out towards the heads but luckily, my time was up and I could go home and have a hot shower.

Being on the water nice and early paid real dividends for Kraley and Gatesy, both landing about a dozen tailor up to 45cm's and keeping 4 each for a feed.

As I've stated before, this can be typical of the Hotwater outlet. The tailor will be there in droves just before light but they'll disappear in an eye blink. Last week when I was here with the hot bite, it was fairly overcast so I guess that had something to do with keeping the tailor on the chew.

I've noticed that the rivers have started to clear up a bit so I guess it's about time I got stuck into a few bream or jewies around the local bridges and pontoons. But next sunday Adam is planning on getting another king or two so I may just have to meet him on the water. Oh, tough choices, eh? Happy yakkin, everyone.


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