Tuesday 30 October 2007

Botany Bay - 24-1-07 & Georges River - 28-10-07

With it being light enough to get out on the water nice and early, I love having a mid-week session before work. Quite a few of the guys from AKFF (http://www.akff.net/) having been getting stuck into the Kings and I was eager to get my arms stretched as well. I set off for my local launch spot at Kurnell and found tailor lining up to snaffle my lures. The SP's were copping a real hiding and I lost at least six good fish by being bitten off. I'll have to get some of that knotable wire trace, I think. I switched to poppers but surprisingly they weren't the least bit interested. Back to the SP's and whooshka! they're all over them again.

I finally managed to stay connected to a good one that stretched to 47cm's and by the time I'd landed it, the fish had moved on. It was like someone had flicked a switch and turned them all off. Oh well, at least now I could get my Mojo's down near the bottom and jig them back to the yak without them being shredded. After 10 minutes or so I get a solid take and I just knew I'd hooked my first king for the season. : ) No big runs though, so I figured he wouldn't be legal and at 55cm's he has a bit more growing up to do. A quick photo and he's back into the wet stuff.

That was about it except for a single bream I picked up on a Gulp 3" minnow in the Nuclear Chicken colour which was followed the next cast by a very quick bust-up by what would have been a very big bream amongst some very fishy looking pylons. Sometimes 6lb leader just ain't strong enough...When I reached the shore I set the guy free and took a happy snap as he said goodbye.

Summer sees the start of the bream tournament season and I'm partnering up with Gary Brown for the Squidgies Series. The first round is on the Georges River on the 25th November and Ausbream had a social day as a bit of a pre-fish last sunday. Ok, so we weren't in kayaks so it doesn't really count as fishing ; ) but I can tell you I felt very out of place being that high above the water!

Man, I hope Gary and I pull our fingers out for the tournament because we didn't get much for our 7 hours worth of fishing. I managed 2 bream which amazingly saw me clinch 3rd place but only because it had been a lousy day for most of the other competitors, too. The only fish of any note was a 48cm flattie that took a liking to my 6" sandworm. A month can make a world of difference though and I'm sure the Georges will be firing for the comp. Fingers crossed, Gary and I will be firing, too. Happy yakkin', everyone.


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