Tuesday 2 October 2007

Cooks River - 29/9/07 & Liverpool Weir - 1/10/07

Terry and I stood on the beach on Foreshore Rd with the predicted 10 knot winds (yeah, right) blowing sand into our faces. 'Fugg this,' we thought and made a quick retreat to the Cooks River to target a few bream out of the wind. The Cooks is one of my favourite breaming waters and it normally fishes best on an outgoing tide. Even though the tide was running in, I assured Terry we'd get a few.

At the Princes Hwy road bridge we flicked our SP's between the pylons. I was using a Gulp 6" Sandworm in camo and felt a bump as the lure dropped. I set the hook and this thing ran away from the pylons into open water. 'What's this?' I thought. 'I'm sure it's not a bream.' And it wasn't either. My first jewfish for the warmer months surfaced and I was pretty chuffed. No record breaker, he probably went about 50cm's but gees they're a beautiful fish. I checked to make sure he wasn't tagged, took a few quick snaps and back into the wet stuff he went.

And that was about it for our session on the Cooks! I landed two small flatties and Terry snared our only bream for the day, picked up on an SX40 cast in towards the mangroves. Very frustrating indeed. Except for the jewie, of course! : )

Monday morning I only had 2 hours spare and figured it was about time I got my first bass of the season. I set off for Liverpool Weir and slid the kayak into the fresh at 5:30am. I had the whole place to myself and I started with a few surface fizzers and poppers. Nuthin'! Figuring they may be down deep, I tied on one of East Coasts single bladed spinners rigged with a 1" grub. Purple had been working well in the Nepean, so I gave that colour a whirl first. Not having caught a bass on a spinnerbait before (well, I hooked a big bugga but lost it a few weeks ago) I was hoping my technique was right. A nice slow roll is what I hoped would turn them on seeing as the bass didn't seem very active. 'Bump, bump' and yes, the rod loads up. Into view comes one of the lovely little locals and it's now officially my first bass on a spinner! 28cm's and no matter what happens from now on, the trip is a success!

About 10 minutes later, I'm on again! Oh, this is great fun. This guy absolutely smashes my previous spinner record as he goes on the lie detector and stretches out to a whole 29cm's. Magic! Two PB's (sort of) in one day.

Another two bass came out to play - one to the spinner (go East Coast) and one to a purple SX40. Purple really worked for me today but who knows if it will work next time. I may have to try another colour to see what happens. Four fish in 2 hours was enough to keep me happy though. I've only fished here twice and I hear that the bass aren't huge but at least they are about. It was good to see they were all really healthy specimens, too. No red blotches or ratty fins. Let's hope they grow and prosper. Happy yakkin', everyone.


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