Friday 28 December 2007

Yarra Bay & Molineux Point - 28/12/07

Well I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and are looking forward to a safe and prosperous new Year. I've been flat out lately so I'll keep this report short and sweet and let the photos do the talking.

Last week I continued my assault on the HWO, but this time was accompanied by Terry who was keen to get a king or two after returning from a successful month bike racing in Europe. I was first to hook-up and guess what...? 63cm's! I reckon its' the same kingfish that's stalking me! Terry then landed a 55cm kingie and followed up with a 64cm bandit that looked big enough but just didn't make the grade.

My next trip there I got stuck into some nice tailor up to 45cm's but there were no kings about that day. I picked up a few cracker bream on the way back on Gulp 3" Minnows in Mouldy Cheese colour and I was surprised to see the colour difference in the two largest - one was the normal silvery colour caught around here but the other had a real golden tinge to him. I'd say he's come down from the upper reaches of the Georges or Cooks to get ready for the spawning season. You can see the big difference in the two fish in the photo and they were caught only about 10 meters apart from each other.

Terry had been out on the Bay yesterday and cleaned up on Aussie Salmon so we launched from La Perouse at 5am and ventured straight over to Yarra Bay where all the action had been. It was a picture perfect morning and there were hundreds of seagulls sitting around on the water waiting for things to fire up. Unfortunately, they didn't though! Not one bust up all day did we see and although we trolled nearly the whole 4 hours we were out, we didn't get one hit.

Molineux Point was jam packed so we ventured around a bit more to the port and decided to flick a few Mojo's at the Channel Markers. First marker and I skip the lure across the surface. Nothing. Ok, this time I'll let it sink. 2 meters or so down and the line goes tight so I lift the rod and YEEHAH, I'm on. I'm oh so close to the pole so I don't go hard and I slowly lead him out into the open water. When I feel I'm a safe distance out, I get stuck into him. ZZZzzzzzzzzz....oh Jasus, I hope he stops! He was heading straight back to the pole but I pulled him with up with about 5 meters spare (phew, that was close). He slugged it out down deep most of the time and when I got first colour I just knew I'd bagged my first legal for the summer.

67cm's on the tape (about bloody time, too) and as homage to the Kingfish God's, I set him free to fight another day. Terry and I had a couple of more hits at various markers but that one kingie was the only fish we saw this morning. At least I have that 63cm monkey off my back now. : )

Adam and I would like to thank all our regular visitors to the Kayak Fishing Sydney site for a very successful year. We have had visitors from over 30 countries in the last 12 months and we hope you'll continue to visit us over the next year as well. The DVD is in the editing stage and slowly but surely it's all coming together. Work has been a bit of a killer for me the last 6 months which has meant I haven't been able to dedicate as much time as I'd like to the DVD but we'll get there eventually. Thanks for your patience. Happy yakkin', everyone!



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