Thursday 13 March 2008

Cooks River - 8/3/08

After such a good session last week, we had to hit the Cooks again. I was under really tight time constraints (and I mean REALLY tight), so we only fished for an hour. The tide was running in this time which funnily enough, has never fished as well as the run out. Well, for me anyway.

We started off slowly with Terry landing a few undersize bream and it wasn't until we neared one of the bridges with some nice eddies swirling about that Terry landed a keeper on his faithful SX40. I was casting a 3" minnow in pumpkinseed towards the base of the pylons when I also landed a bream, this guy going 30cm's.

Terry then hit a purple patch and landed 3 bream for almost as many casts. Lucky swine! I was still landing them but they were definately a lot smaller than last weeks bruisers. Unfortunately, the 60 minutes flew by (they only seemed to last an hour or so) and we had to head home. As we scooted back, I kept flicking a minnow in front of me towards the shore. On one of the casts, the SP landed and promptly the line shot back out towards the middle of the canal. 'Hmmm, that's not normal,' I thought, so I lifted the rod which set the hook into something that felt fairly decent.

There were a few solid thumps that came up the line and I thought, 'Oh, sweet, it's a jewfish!' but these thumps turned into a rythmical thump, thump, thump and I knew straight away that it was a trevally. But at least he was a beauty! I took my time as they have fairly soft mouths and he stretched out to 52cm's which is a new PB for me. A few quick photo's and back he goes to grow even bigger.

This weekend Gary Brown and I are fishing at Lake Macquarie for the penultimate round of the Squidgy Bream Challenges. Fingers crossed we'll do ok and cement our position for the final in April. No yaks involved unfortunately but I'll definately be keeping my eyes open for potential fishing spots for future trips up there with the Hobie. Happy yakkin', everyone!


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