Tuesday 7 October 2008

Multiple reports this week so let’s get straight into them:

Cooks River – 27/9/08
Terry and I launched at 5am although due to a mix up in communication, we were at different ramps! Deciding to meet in the middle, we fished our way towards each other. By the time we met, I had one bream and one flathead while Terry had one bream and had been royally smoked by another that did him over on the oyster-encrusted rocks.

Drifting along and chatting, there was a lone branch sticking out of the water. I flicked my SP and Terry flicked his Pygmy II HB. I snag up and Terry hooks up! And this thing took off like a banshee. It ran straight under my yak so I quickly pushed the mirage drive fins up against the hull. Some swift rod work by Terry sees him work the fish clear and he lands a ripper bream that goes 42cm’s total length.

A few minutes later, Terry lands a 50cm Flattie while all I can get is a Trevally. Pffft, show-off…

Georges River – 4/10/08
The water temp was over 20 degrees but the fish are still not playing fairly. We worked some weedbeds with blades and landed a mixed bag of whiting, flatties and bream but none of them were monsters. I let a banana tag along to give the theory another chance to trip me up (or tip me over, I suppose) but I still managed to catch a few.

WSBB Devlins Bass Comp – 5/10/08
One of the regular social days was held by WSBB (http://www.wsbb.com.au/smf/index.php?topic=2263.0 for the full report) and although I didn’t attend, Terry did and managed to take out top spot for the day with a few nice bass. I’ll let him tell the story so here is his report:

A very calm morning with no wind & thunder in the back ground made it very promising to catch a Bass or two. We left from the ramp at 6 am to our hot spots Half an hour into fishing & I scored, on the board. Yeeha! 200mm got a few at that size which I was hoping for a bigger model. By 9am I finally got a 265mm; it was tough going to get a descent fish. But just as it was nearly time to head back, caught some quality fish taken on SP'S which things looked promising for the win. It was a awesome day & plenty of action.
That's Terry for you, good on the bream and good on the bass. Like I said, show off! ; ) Well done, buddy. Happy yakkin, everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good good good......