Tuesday 16 September 2008

Botany Bay - 13/09/08

Ok, it's spring, the weather is getting warmer and we arrived right at the crack of dawn...so where are the tailor and kingies??? Terry and I were positive there'd be a few about but nary a nibble could we get on our various soft plastics and metal spinners. However, we did notice a few schools of 2" long baitfish that shadowed our yaks, which is definitely a promising sign. Another few weeks and the singing of reels should be sweet music to our ears.

To ensure we didn't go home empty handed, we started to target various marker bouys and channel markers with 3" minnows and 6" sandworms. I was first on the board with a 30cm trevally and a few minutes later, dropped a slightly bigger one right next
to the yak. Aarrggh! Terry then called out he was on and landed the first bream for the day.

We continued out to the Sticks and by now the wind had dropped off completely and it was a magical day to be out on the water, too. A few more bream and couple of small squire came over the side of the hobies before I landed my best treva for the day - a 36cm specimen that had a later appointment with my BBQ.

The water temp was about 16 degrees which is up a couple from a few weeks ago. Thankfully the legs don't have to freeze off while launching anymore. This weekend I'm tempted to give the bass a go but it might need a couple more weeks before they to start to really come on the chew. I'll decide on friday where to go, based on the weather this week, I suppose. Either way, whether salt or fresh, it'll be good to be out. Happy yakkin', everyone!


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