Wednesday 14 January 2009

Squidgie Bream Challenge - Round 3 Hawkesbury

Sorry for the lack of photos (battery died on me) but 51 teams, after lining up at the start (Photo courtesy of spread out through Pittwater and the Hawkesbury after 5 breambos! Gary and I had a plan and it was simple - fish the weedbeds at the back of Palm Beach. This spot has been very popular the last few years and it has become known as "The Parking Lot". Today there were about a dozen boats so it wasn't too bad really.
First off we started catching Pike and Long Toms. Then a Snapper, then a Whiting...then a Flathead. Sheesh! Are there any bream down there? At the top of the tide, we moved off hoping to find a few before we returned when the tide started running out.

We found a small reef and Gary hooked up to a good fish. Nice strong runs, definately not a Flattie but also definately not a Bream when we saw it. Bloody Luderick! Nice at 35 cms but useless to us. A few casts later and just a few feet from the surface, a King screams up from the depths, grabs Gary's Switchblade and zooms back off. The next ten minutes I listened to Gary yelling 'Give me my lure back!', which he finally achieved.

The tide turned so we went back to the weed beds. It was 10:45 am and we still hadn't seen a bream. 10:46 am and Gary hooks up and it's numero uno in the live well. Ten minutes later, I add number two which is followed 5 minutes after that by the third, courtesy of Gary. Fifteen minutes and 3 fish, that's more like it.

We were using Gulp 2" Shrimps in Banana or Peppered colours as well as Squidgie Lobbys in the grenade colour, all rigged on 1/24 oz TT jigheads. I feel a tentative tap and set the hook into some solid weight. This guy screamed off and I was done and dusted within 5 seconds. Ooh, that was a beauty. But I make up for it a few minutes later with our fourth. Just one to go but the conditions are deteriorating, with the wind really kicking up now. Five minutes of fishing time left and I'm busted up by another good fish! Aaaarrggghhhh.

That was it for us and our bag went 2.404 kgs, which wasn't bad for 4 fish. The winners had 3.786 kgs for 5 fish, with two of the fish just under a kg each. Real bruisers. Overall we came 8th and were only out of the top 5 by 400 grams.

ABT/HOBIE Kayak Bream Tournament - Bayview Park, saturday, 17th January.

Just a reminder that this weekend sees Sydneys first ever Kayak only Bream Tournament on Hen & Chicken Bay. I know many yakkers have been waiting years for these to eventuate and now they're here, lets give them the support needed to see this format grow. If we can get close to 100 entrants, then the fishing magazines and tackle suppliers will see what a real force we kayakers are with regards to the fishing industry which will only bode well for the yakking fraternity.

Any type of kayak can enter and for rules and entry forms, please visit The comp starts at 6am and weigh-in is at 12pm, so even if you don't want to compete, come on down and meet some fellow yakkers and check out some of the pimped rides.

Hen & Chicken Bay holds some quality bream and there are a multitude of areas to target, from flats, to weed beds and moored boats and marinas. Plenty of room for lots of kayaks and there should be some great fish weighed in at the end of the day. I can't wait! Good luck to all the competitors and I'll see you down there. Come up and say hi. Happy yakkin', everyone!


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