Wednesday 7 January 2009

Botany Bay - 27/12/08 & 30/12/08

Back to work and I've had a complete break from technology, which is why there hasn't been a report for a while. During the break I made it out a few times, mostly getting in practice for the bream comps coming up, especially the ABT/Hobie tournament that will be held at Hen & Chicken Bay on the 16th January. I've been waiting for a dedicated kayak comp for years and I can't wait for this very first one in Sydney. I hope there will be a good turn-out to support it.

Terry and I ventured out just after Christmas and tried for a few kings around the HWO. No luck there, so we went spinning for flatties instead. We managed 4 each up to 52 cms so it turned out to be a fairly good session.

On the 30th December, Terry, Lachlan and I made our way out to Towra Point. On the way Lachlan trolled up his first pike and if we'd have been fishing for jewies, he'd have been prime live-bait (the pike that is, not Lachlan). Lucky for him, we were after flatties and bream, so back he went. We'd no sooner arrived at our destination when Lachlan said he didn't feel well. There goes the fishing, so 'See ya, Terry' we say, and head back to shore. We didn't end up missing out on much though as Terry only picked up two flatties, a trevally and a bream.

Twice I've fished the flats and weed beds just out from Oyster Bay this year and picked up a few bream and half a dozen flatties each time. No real size to the bream but the flatties were close to 50 cms, with the best landed going 56 cms. I lost an absolute croc that would have been close to 80 cms when it shook its head at the side of the yak just out of the nets reach and sawed through the 6lb leader. I'd have let her go anyway, so I'll count it as a capture. Close enough is near enough. : )

This weekend Gary and I are fishing the 3rd round of the Squidgie Bream Series up on the Hawkesbury River. Stay tuned for the report next week. Happy yakkin', everyone.


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