Wednesday 4 November 2009

SP's for Bream

Last week I covered the selection of Hard Bodies I'll be using during the ABT/Hobie Kayak Bream Tournament round at Narrabeen this coming weekend and as promised, here is a selection of Soft Plastics (SP's) that will get a swim sooner or later over the course of the two days. Again, these are my preference and by no means is it a be all and end all for what will work. On certain days some work, on other days they don't even raise a scale, so remember to mix it up to see what the fish are interested in at the time.

One of the most popular SP's at the moment is the 2" Gulp Shrimp and this can be really effective either rigged on a hidden-weight jighead and fished slowly above weedbeds or even 1/16th or 1/20th oz jighead and left to sink and hopped off the bottom. If there are big bream around, they love the 3" version.

For those early morning presentations on the flats or over weedbeds, the Lobbys or Squidgie Bugs rigged on a unweighted hook and slowly rolled back to the yak can result in some spectacular hookups. Hold the rod tip high and slowly swim the lure across the surface. The fluttering arms and tails fire up the bream so watch for the fish following and be alert at all times.

The Gulp Minnows and Sandworms are my favourites around structure such as bridges and pontoons. I buy the 6" Sandworms (they are also available in 2" and 4") and cut them in half and rig them as you'll see in the photo.

For more information regarding the tournament this weekend, visit or . There'll be a great turnout this weekend and it's still not too late to enter as you can sign up on the day. You can fish either day or both days and regardless of how many fish you catch, you'll have a great time and get to meet a whole bunch of like-minded yakkers and maybe learn a thing or two along the way.

ABT, Hobie and Sailing Scene ( will be putting on a BBQ after each days weigh-in and after the yaks are finished, the boaters (that will be fishing on the Hawkesbury) will be weighing in. It's guaranteed there'll be some crackin' fish caught, so even if you don't want to compete, come and watch the spectacle and see what all the hype and talk of the tournament fishing scene is about. Happy yakkin', everyone!


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