Monday 8 March 2010

Deadmans - Alive and Kicking

I haven't spent a lot of time in the Yak recently, a couple of bass trips and some land based, but nothing in the salt in the kayak.

I'd been doing a lot of work around the house lately and finally this weekend there was almost nothing left to do. I spent some time with my son and then after lunch today my lovely wife said "Why don't you go for a fish". I offered the young bloke a go, but he refused and I was off to fish my local creek on my own.

I've fished Deadmans before, but had only ever landed 1 or 2 legal fish, today was to be different, armed with some advice on lure choice by my good mate Carl, I headed down the creek, drifting with the wind and tide and casting to likely snags and under the bankside vegetation. It wasn't long before I was on and a lovely specimen around 38cm rose to the side but I managed to bump it off when trying to untangle the net and land the fish at the same time. "Fordy, what are you doing" I cried.

I started casting again and soon had 2 nice 26cm bream in the Yak, I was cheering, "Ciddy is supposed to be the bream champ not me" I thought as my line went tight again, this time it was a nice flathead at 44cm. It went on like this for the next hour and 45 mins until I was blown off the water.

So the final tally was: 11 fish, 9 bream and 2 flathead. 1 bream on fly, 1 flathead on fly, 1 flathead on 100mm squidgy wriggler in blood worm, 5 bream on 100mm squidgy wriggler in blood worm and 3 bream on Squidgy pro lobby 75mmm Dusk colour.

And I've realised that I need a can holder somewhere on my Yak, have you ever tried landing a flathead with a full coke can squeezed between your legs. Not much fun, especially when it spills.



1 comment:

Kayak Fishing Sydney said...

I wouldn't go here if I was you. It must be polluted cause I'm crook as a dog today !