Thursday 31 May 2012

Cooks River - mid-May 2012

I love it when a plan works out as it should. A midweek session, great tides (low at 10:55am) and magic weather and hopefully there'll be a big jewfish or two around.

It'd been a while since I'd hooked one of these silver beasts and I was itchin' to do battle. That big initial run, those ferocious head-shakes and the ensuing stubborn fight make these fish the king of the estuaries. I launched at 10am from a deserted boat ramp. The various bridges within the system were my targets and with a little luck I'd also pick up a couple of bream while travelling between them.

The first few bridges were fish-less but I managed a couple of average sized bream (about 28cm tip) on my 2" Atomic paddle tails rigged on HWS hooks. These kept my interest up but they weren't what I was after.

My tackle of choice for the jewfish was a Daiwa Advantage Rod and reel, spooled with 8lb braid and 10lb fluoro leader. The lure was a Squidgy 100mm slick-rig in black and gold.

As I approached the next bridge the current had virtually stopped. There were a few swirling eddies and the sounder showed a depth of 3.9 meters. Perfect. I started with the middle pylons, casting to the bases and letting the lure sink down until it settled on the bottom. I'd then give it a big double-hop and as it fell I kept the line taught to feel for any bites or 'ticks' that may indicate it being picked up.

Fourth cast, third hop and it's hit hard. Oh yes, this is what I was after. There were immediate head shakes and then a powerful run that thankfully went out into open water and away from those line-shredding concrete pylons. It peeled off 20 meters of line, there was another series of head shakes and again there was another 20 meter run. I could tell it was a good fish (duh?), but would it crack that magical meter mark? My best to date was 84 cms, so I at least hoped it would beat that.

The fish slugged it out near the bottom and started circling me anti-clockwise. I think this is where the Mirage drive really comes into it's own when you're fighting a big fish. I was able to keep maneuvering myself away from the fish to get different angles of pull on it and and in doing so could dictate which way it ran and thus keep it away from the bridge and out in the open.

This slug-fest went on for about 8 minutes and the last few runs were only of 5 meters or so. Eventually she planed up from the bottom (ooooh, will she go a meter???) and rolled on her side next to the yak, beaten but still glowing in those magical purple/silver hues they are so well known for. I carefully lifted her into the yak and headed for shore so I could get her on the brag mat. As I made my way in, Andrew called to see how I was going? "I'll call in 10 minutes", I said! : )

Oh man, wouldn't you know it? There was not one person around that could take a photo of me with her. So onto the mat she went and no, she's not a meter but it's still pretty close. 91.5 cm and that a new PB for me. I slip her back into the drink and swim her about to refresh her. Eventually she started clamping down on my hand and I just manage to get one last photo before she zooms outta sight. Beautiful!

There were no more jewfish after that but I managed to get what I came out for which isn't always the case, especially when chasing these elusive big predators. Now it's time to ring a few fellow yakkers and start the bragging. Happy yakkin', everyone!


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