The early soccer games are really playing havoc with my time on the water. 8am kick-offs are not my preferred starting time...

Luckily though, Andrew and Stewart have been able to get out and their time on the water has seen some very respectable fish coming in to join them.

Andrew has been having a few night sessions chasing Jewfish and these photos show a couple of examples from his successful forays. The first fish went just over 92 cms I think and was a great capture on 6 lb leader. The lure that Andrew used was one of the new Squidgy Wild Prawns. In fact, you can just notice it at the far left hand side of the photo with the fish on the lie-detector. Well, half of it, anyway.

The next one he landed stretched out to 61 cms and this time it fell to a Jackal Transam which can be seen just below the head of the fish. On one of their trips, Stewart hooked up to an absolute beast but some unknown structure on the bottom of the river-bed saw them part company mid-fight when the light rubbed against it.
So to drown his sorrows, Stewart headed out in search of Snapper and of course, found them. It wasn't an easy day for him though he reported, and he had to try various depths until he located them. Surprisingly, it was in fairly shallow water of 4 meters. Just shows that sometimes you have to think a bit to get your fish. I'm just glad he did because I was the lucky recipient of one of the snapper and they are a mighty fine fish on the table.

Only 3 weeks of soccer to go and then I'll be back in the saddle and trying to catch up to Andrew and Stewart. I just hope they leave some fish for me. Happy yakkin', everyone!
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