Monday 8 September 2008

Botany Bay - August

No fishing for me this week due to the crapola weather that saturday turned on but I managed to catch up with Pete Smith from the Compleat Angler store in the Dymocks Building in the city ( who was the lucky bugga that landed that corker of a tailor that I reported on last week. Excuse the quality of the snap, but it's a photo of a photo, as Pete didn't have a digital copy.

The short story is that Pete was chasing bream in Botany Bay (at a secret spot, as for some reason he wouldn't tell me where!) from his canoe and was using one of the new Koolabung X-ray blade lures (pink and white). He felt a bump on one cast and momentarily hooked up before dropping the fish. Thinking it was a bream, he fired off back to the same spot and whamo!, hooked up solid.

Luckily for Pete, he'd hooked the fish right at the front of the mouth and the line was safely out of the way of those considerable chompers. The brute went 64cm's fork length and the total length was 74cm's (I think, sorry if i'm wrong Pete). This is easily the biggest tailor that I've personally seen come out of Botany Bay and the fact that it was landed on bream gear is a fine testament to Pete's angling skills. To get the full account, drop in and quiz Pete and maybe you'll be able to get the exact location out of him. : )

I think I may just have to head out on the weekend and see if I can get one myself. Happy yakkin', everyone.



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