Monday 13 October 2008

Parramatta River - 8/10/08 & Botany Bay - 11/10/08

Another 2 reports but for one of them I was on a dirty, rotten, filthy, stink boat...but gees, I still had fun! A midweek session with Gary Brown ( on the Parramatta River was a chance to practice for upcoming bream tournaments and the early morning start saw us land a few nice flathead, the best going 55cm's and we ended up keeping 6 for the BBQ.

The bream were fairly quiet today but we still managed to swing a few onboard with the 38cm fella above being our biggest for the day. All the bream we caught were nice and fat though so at least they are in good condition.

Over one of the flats we worked, Gary had his Ecogear VX40 crunched big-time and we thought he had a ripper of a bream on the other end but when he eventually came to the surface he'd turned into this cracker of a whiting. Just over 40cm's and another welcome addition for the pan.

The water temp is slowly creeping up and surely it can't be too long now before the bream really start to put in a few great days for us.

Before the weekend chores, I raced down to the HWO on saturday morning for an hour to see if any kings were about. No luck there but I did land a few trevally (mostly on the blades again. These lures are great!) and dropped a nice bream right at the side of the yak.

On the way back in I did a sneaky and quickly had a flick under the oil jetty amongst the pylons. I felt some weight as the SP slowly sank, so I struck and ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip....ka-ping! I had no chance of stopping this guy and I was left with shakey hands to rig up again. Another cast to the same pylons and ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip....ziiiiiiiiip....ka-PING! Aaarrrggghh, done over again. On with some 10lb leader, another cast and bloody hell, I'm on again and it's looking like a repeat of the first two. I clamp down on the spool with my hand and now it's a brute strength tug-o-war and somethings gotta give. Unfortunately, it was the hook, which half straightened out which was enough for the fish to get off. Ooh, 3 casts and each one an adrenaline producing rush.

The bites stopped after that but when heading off I did see a couple of schools of bream which looked like they had a few 40cm+ specimens among them. Ah well, better luck next time, I guess. And to the two yakkers that were heading out in the Viking Tempo (I think that's what it was), I hope you had a great day and got into a few fish. I'm sorry I didn't get your names but thanks for saying hi and I'm glad you like the website. Happy yakkin, everyone!


1 comment:

CJ_kayak said...

thank you for mentioning me on your website!!
names CJ and i'm a big fan, i fish kurnell every saturday because i only started fishing a year ago. and never have any other success elsewhere, looking forward to your tips in the future!, i can only catch breams when its before a storm there, my emails , any tips on catching bream at kurnell since you saw schools of them?