Monday 16 February 2009

Oyster Bay & Botany Bay - Feb. 2009

You'd think that after a month of no reports I'd come back with heaps of stories of monster fish and hot sessions reeling in one after the other. Well, you're wrong! I've only snuck out twice and each time was for about 45 minutes each, so the report is fairly brief.

A couple of weeks back I took Lachlan down to Oyster Bay and we managed a few bream to 30 cms and one flattie that went 45 cms but the camera batteries gave up the ghost just after getting a superb dawn shot of Lachlan and the yak. Conditions were ideal and a few of the boys from KFDU were getting a bag of flatties that were falling to Ecogear SX40's.

Then of course, there was the Port Hacking round of the Squidgie Bream Challenge last week and Gary and I managed 16th spot with only 3 fish. It was a really tough day and I've never seen so many watercraft out and about. When we made it back to the ramp, we had to wait 35 minutes to get the boat out. Man, now I know why I have a kayak and not a stinkboat!

Then the rain set in and this afternoon I said "Right, enoughs enough!" and zoomed down to the HWO at Kurnell. Plenty of wind and rain, but no kingies (what do they look like again...). The were however a few tailor about with the best measuring in at 47 cms, so not a bad day really. They all fell to a 6" Mojo skipped across the surface but were only on the chew for 10 minutes so I was lucky to be there at the right time.

Lets hope this weather clears up and we can get back out on the water for a bit longer. Happy yakkin, everyone!


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