We'd landed a couple of undersize fish which Danielle handled effortlessly but you should have seen her face when this guy latched on. A big run had her holding the rod tightly with both hands and eventually she says 'You can have a turn now!' which I was more than happy to oblige. He was a great fish and if you're lucky you may catch him next time as he went back to fight another day.
For the flatties on the Georges River, I'd selected the two natural brown colours, one with brown stripes and one with black. While the other guys hit the boats, I moved into the shallows and ran the lures down the length of the jetties. This is a favourite haunt of Bream but it's also a great place to target Flatthead as they lay in wait in the shadows, ready to pounce on anything swimming by.

It didn't take long before the lure starts working and I land a few smaller bream that are seeking shelter around the pylons. Nothing huge and this size seems to be consistent as Luke and Chris are getting small fish from the boats as well. The hits are coming pretty quick and I don't think the Flathead are getting a chance! I decide to work the weed edges instead. And it was a good choice, too! Flathead number one zips off with the lure and he's quickly brought under control and led into the waiting net. At 45 cms he's the perfect size to join the Jewfish in the live well. One more and that'll be plenty for me and the in-laws. Gotta stay on the good side, you know.

The water depth I'm working is only a meter or so and I'm winding quickly to get the lure down and then I'm twitching it along so it bumps into the bottom and kicks up puffs of sand and dirt. This method gets the attention of any fish in the vicinity and works well for Bream, Flathead or Whiting. Another Flathead jumps on the lure and he's just a bit smaller at 43 cms but he's still big enough, so there's my quota for the day.
The boys are still hitting the boat hulls so I leave them to it and continue around the corner. There's a nice little stretch that quickly changes depth from 1m to 1.5m and this is a prime ambush point for bigger Flathead. The extra depth gives them added protection now that the sun is up and I'm hoping they've read the manual. The lures easily get down to this depth and now I'm continuously slow-rolling them and soon I'm connected to a much better fish. I can let the fish run and as long as he hasn't completely swallowed the lure, there shouldn't be much chance of a bust off.

No more time for me though and it's back to the ramp with a good haul of fish. Well I'm sold on these Elfin Shrimps and their next mission will be extracting bream from racks and the oyster covered rocks in Woolooware Bay. Next time you're in your local tackle shop, look for these and add them to your arsenal of lures. I'm sure you wont be disappointed. Now, what are the tides for this weekend...? Happy yakkin', everyone!
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