Tuesday 15 July 2008

Cooks River - 6/7/08 & Botany Bay - 13/7/08

A short and sweet report as work is keeping me too busy! Boooo Hisssss!!! Another attempt at jewies in the Cooks and apart from a HUGE hit that was over as soon as it started, there was no jewfish coming up to say hello to us. I'll get one one day.
Back to the TT Switchblades and the bream start to come in fairly consistently. Terry calls out and I turn to see he is being towed upstream, so I head over to take some photos. It's a beauty, too and goes 39cm's total length (37cm's fork). She's a real porker and we set her free to go eat a few more mouthfuls for breakfast.
I lose a cracker that must have been lip hooked and then Terry drops another horse that is also taking him for a tow. All up we landed about 15 bream and I finish off the day with a very nice trevally that also hit the gold Switchblade. As I head back to shore, Terry heds outside the mouth of the Cooks and proceeds to land 8 salmon that are working over the flats. No bust ups on the surface, they're just scoffing down his 3" bass minnow in pearl watermelon colour that's rigged on a resin jighead. A couple of trevally finish off the day for him and all up it's been a great session.
Last sunday I had an hour and fifteen minutes to kill (ha!) and after talking to Terry who'd bagged out on salmon and trevally over near Foreshore rd yesterday, I launched from Kurnell at 6:30am for a commando assault on the resident fish. First off, poppers at the HWO, hoping for tailor. Nuthin'. I change to Mojo Twitchin' Minnow's and hope for a winter kingie. Zip. Over to the bouys around the fish cages and I let a few various SP's sink next to them hoping for bream. Zero result, so I head out to the Sticks, trolling a deep diving HB, which doesn't even get a nudge.
More SP's flicked about, followed by switchblades and then back to different SP's. And still, I come up with a big fat donut. I head back to shore dragging another HB and as I land I realise it's the first time EVER that I've been out on the yak and haven't even had a bite. Now, there's been times I haven't landed a fish during a session but to go out (albeit a short time) and not get even a small bump was, I think, pretty unusual.
Fishing...just when you think you have it sussed out, it comes back and bites ya in the bum big time. And we wouldn't have it any other way, would we? Happy yakkin, everyone!

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