Tuesday 2 December 2008

Botany Bay - 29/11/08 & 2/12/08

After last weeks efforts, it was pretty obvious where we were going to try next time. Saturday morning was just as calm in the grey light as wednesday but the obvious difference were the amount of boats zooming about. Terry was first off with a cast and straight away he hooks up. My cast is only a few seconds later and ditto, I'm on, too. These guys although spirited, were obviously undersize so it was quickly into the yak and back into the water for them.

Next cast and we both hook up again. Woo Hoo! Slightly bigger but still only about 60 cms. And that was it with the poppers (I find as soon as it's gets light they go a bit deeper), so we change to the Mojos. All up we managed about 6 each with two big reefings to our credit. No legals but great to see such healthy stocks of fish about.

I'm sure they went off the bite early due to the amount of power boat traffic. What really cheesed us off was a guy that raced straight over to where we were fishing before cutting the engine, then he rattled around with his anchor chain before tossing it over. If there had of been any kingies left in the area, they certainly weren't here now. : ( We gave it another 5 minutes without a touch and headed for home.

This morning I just had to have another quick flick and was greeted by two other yakkers already fishing, Andrew and Kevin (hi guys). They were also getting stuck into the kings and it was triple hookups a lot of the time. Once again they were mainly rats, such as Andrews here, but at least there were plenty to go around. No power boats to put them off and it was action aplenty until 6 am when they shut down. We floated about chatting for a ten minutes or so when ZZzzzzzzzzzzz, we're all away again.

I hooked my biggest for the day (felt like a beauty, too) on the last cast but the swine busted me off on something. Biggest I landed today went 63 cms, so I was only 2 cms off a legal one. I really do need to get some heavier gear as the 15 lb braid just doesn't cut it sometimes. I hope the weather holds for another early morning session this week. Happy yakkin, everyone!

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