Tuesday 29 May 2007

Ausbream Parramatta Report – 17/12/06

The last two weeks Fordy and I had been chasing bass but this weekend was the Ausbream final social of the year on the Parramatta River. I was leading the Angler of the Year table by 1 measly point and RichP was breathing down my neck! I had to get some practice in so had a quick after work session on the Georges midweek.

I arrived right at the bottom of the tide and it was very quiet for the first 30 minutes. But as the tide started to run back in, I picked up a couple of smaller bream. Then from under a boat I pulled a very nice 34cm bream that sped about in the shallows before having a rest in my live well.

With time running out I approached my last jetty. I flicked the 3” pumpkinseed minnow way up into the shadows and gave it a hop. The next thing I know, the line is zipping sideways so I strike to set the hook. This thing took off like a rocket straight around a pylon. I quickly dropped my rod and backed off the drag to allow it to run so my leader would hopefully survive past the barnacles. The fish then turned and went around another pylon before settling back under the jetty.

I could still feel it kicking so I kept the tension on while passing the rod around the pylons (and cutting up my hands slightly in the process.Youch!) Once these gymnastics were over the fish was STILL on the line. Now I had him under control and led him out into the open. And he was a ripper! 38cm total length and had obviously been stuffing his face for a while. 1.06 kg’s total weight and I went home a very happy yakker.

Sunday saw 11 boats and 1 Hobie set off at 7am on a beautiful summer day. Two bream were our target with four other species (whiting, flounder, luderick and snapper) being bonus points if you could get one. The tide was right on high so I moved up into Canada Bay and flicked the SP’s around close to the shoreline. 3rd cast and I land a whiting of 27cm’s. Beauty! That’s one extra point.

I continue along and I spy a drain. Sure enough, first cast and the Camo Sandworm is savaged and a 33cm bream is in the well, too. Over the next half hour I landed another 3 bream but only one was a keeper that was right on 25cm’s.

Flatties were everywhere and I landed about 7 or 8, with one beauty of 58cm’s. I moved around a bit and ended up as far down as Gladesville Bridge. I’d landed another 5 keepers but no biggies, with 28cm’s being my second best. I then bumped into Kraley who was also flicking SP’s about. Just as I was about to head back for the weigh-in, I managed a 30cm upgrade.

The weigh-in was a good one today, with everyone having something in their live-well. There were some cracking fish and Tujedu (Dave) took out the big bream award with a thumper of 1.334kg’s. The photo below just doesn’t do it justice. I anxiously watched Rich weigh in and although he beat me by about 100g’s, he didn’t have any bonus species and didn’t make it into the top five.

So that was enough to see me take out the AOY by 2 points. Rich and I had been swapping the lead all year and I was lucky enough to be able to clinch it right at the end. Thanks for the great battle, Rich.

My objective all year was to prove that you could compete with the guys in boats and still give them a run for their money. As long as you plan your strategy and stick to it and have confidence that it will work, things should hopefully fall into place. Of course, I’ve learnt a lot from many boaters over the last two years (Donfish, Camsy and BillS to name a few) so thanks to all of them and ironically Rich was one of the guys that had kindly offered me rides in his boat. But now it’s time to finish filming for the DVD, so it’s back to the bass next week. Happy yakkin’, everyone.


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