Tuesday 29 May 2007

Nepean (Penrith) Report – 23/12/06

While the bassin’ is good you may as well keep it up! Back to Tench Park we go and Fordy and I give a low whistle as Mick Munns slides his new Hobie Outback into the water. This kayak is the big brother of my Sports and is just over 12 feet long. Mick also has the turbo fins fitted and these make a considerable difference to his speed. While I was pedalling at a good pace, Mick seemed to be taking a leisurely ‘stroll’ through the park, er river. It looks like I may have to look at investing in a pair…

It was another overcast day and this helped the surface bite continue longer than usual. It wasn’t as fast and furious as three weeks ago but it was still fairly consistent. At least the size of the fish was up and we ended up with six over 30cm’s with the best going 36cm total length.

It’s funny how the fish will hit something some days and go completely off it the next. Previously they’d been hitting big fizzers and poppers. Today however, they were more interested in smaller offerings that also created a little less disturbance. Top of the lures today was a Micro RackRat in black and gold. A slight twitch gets the silicon legs wriggling about and the bass loved it. It was essential to get our casts right in next to or under the overhanging bushes. If the lures fell a few feet short, the chances of getting a hit were considerably less.

Mick was also picking a few up with the fly and showed us how stable the Outback was by standing while casting. It just goes to show that the power of thought sometimes doesn’t work as Fordy and I were both willing him to fall in!

Fordy and I would like to thank everyone for supporting our site over the last eight months. We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and hope you have a happy and safe New Year. Happy yakkin’, everyone.


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