Tuesday 29 May 2007

Nepean (Penrith) Report – 9/12/06

Last week was such a ball with the bass on the surface lures that it was decided to have another crack and get some of these strikes on film. Last week it rained a bit so we didn’t capture as much footage as we’d have liked. I crossed my fingers hoping that this time the rains would stay away. Fordy couldn’t make it so Mick Munns and I met at 5:30am at the ramp. It was supposed to be 5am but I sat in my car like and idiot waiting for the gates to be opened while the exit gates were open the whole time. I wont fall for that next time…

Well the rains DID stay away but so did the bass! It was chalk and cheese compared to last week. We still caught about six fish each but the constant surface strikes were now few and far between and so was the size of the fish. The best I did was a 26cm fella and the smallest would have been lucky to reach 10cm’s total length. They certainly have big kahunas these bass and the small ones still hit the larger lures like a piranha that’s been starved for a month.

We played around with lure selection and the surface lures still worked the best. Darker colours were definitely the go. I had on a green and white Rack-Rat that drew a few half hearted swipes. Mick called out that he’d been getting hits with a Black Mini-Sic-Cada. I ferreted around in my tackle box and pulled out a red and black Wiggle-Whomp and first cast I started getting hits again. Finally I started to set the hooks and I’d landed about 3 when I lost it to an unseen snag at the back of some overhanging branches. I switched to a black and purple Mini-Wizz and landed another 3 fairly quickly (with the HUGE 26cm specimen being caught on this).

Next week I’ll be competing in the Ausbream December Social that launches from Bayview at Concord. So I’ll be taking off my Bassin’ hat in exchange for a Breamin’ one. Happy yakkin’, everyone.


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