Tuesday 29 May 2007

Cooks River Report – 2/7/06

Fordy and I knew the weather would be overcast so filming for this weekend was put on hold. But that didn’t stop us from getting out. It’d been a while since we’d been to the Cooks so that was our battle ground.

We had the last hour of run out so we knew we’d have to get stuck into the fishing straight away. The nearby airport service bridge and its oyster-encrusted pylons was our first choice. We’d both had a couple of tentative taps when I hook a fish that takes line immediately. Oops, drag too loose, so I clamped down on the spool and was quickly pulled towards the pylons. Some quick rod work kept the fish away from the oysters and a quick push off with my foot kept the yak away, too!

Out in the open I let him tire out and I knew it was a nice fish. I lifted him up with a yahoo and I’m sure I could hear mutterings coming from Fordy who was 50 meters away. 38cm’s tip length and into the livewell he goes.

Two pylons later and I hook another ripper. Slightly smaller this time at 34cm’s and that’s two nil to me. Fordy is still muttering in the distance.
Once we’d given all the pylons are good workout we moved to the moored boats. After I land my third fish of the day (32cm’s) Fordy says ‘Right, that’s enough head start for you,’ and promptly hooks his first. As we glide amongst the boats, casting as we go, we manage a few more before the bite stops. The SP’s today were 3” Minnows (pumpkinseed) and 6” Sandworms (natural).

The last area we tried was the freeway wall. Nothing for me on my HB’s but Fordy bags his final for the day. The final count was 6 to me and 3 to Fordy. My 5 bag weight was 2.58kg’s, so it was a fairly decent bag. It was also nice to receive a round of applause from a few spectators as we weighed the fish and set them free until next time. However, the guys fishing nearby just looked at us as if we were mad! Happy yakkin’, everyone.


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