Tuesday 29 May 2007

Parramatta River – 16/7/06

Another Ausbream Social, with a good turn out as today would be the last chance a lot of competitors would have to pre-fish the NBC Grand Final next weekend. There were a total of 36 competitors in 17 boats and two yaks captained by Dave (Peril) and myself!

The fog was thick at the start and at 7:30 I landed my first bream for the day, hooked on a Juro Pygmy cast towards the rocky shores and slowly rolled back to the yak. Beauty! That’s one in the live-well, one more to go. These socials normally have a two bag limit and as you catch a bigger fish you simply set your smallest one free. Hopefully as the day progresses you’ll upgrade several times and return with two good fish. Hopefully…

Next I gave one of the marinas a work out with SP’s and after no joy there I moved onto some moored boats. Hmmmmm…still no joy. I pedalled myself over to Bedlam Point and thrashed the shoreline to foam for nix. Where are these bream? I finally get another hit but it’s a flathead of 44cm. I’m back over on the other side of the river when I get a tail grab from something with a bit of weight but the hooks don’t stick so all I’m left with is a half chewed SP.

A complete change was in order so I headed upstream to Kendall Bay. I noticed that a lot of the Skeeters/Nitros/Attacks were zooming up and down the river as well so I figured that I wasn’t the only one having trouble finding fish. The Juro Pygmy is yet again pounced on and it’s another nice flathead – this one going 58cm and it’s the darkest one I’ve ever caught.

With just over an hour to go, I headed over to Morrisons Bay and I land a silver fish off one of the boats. ‘Hello, what’s this?’ I say. Oh yeah, that’s right, it’s a bream. It’d been so long I’d forgotten what they looked like. Well at least I now had two so back I go for the weigh-in.

So how did I do? All up I managed 11th spot, so I guess I’ll have to pedal harder at the next social. Happy yakkin’, everyone.


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