Tuesday 29 May 2007

Botany Bay/Woronora River Report – 13/8/06

Last week was a complete wipe out for any chances to go yakkin’ due to ‘other’ social activities and a howling wind on Sunday. This week however, I managed two trips which kind of makes up for it.

The first outing was a quick trolling session around the closest airport runway to the Cooks River in the hopes of a winter kingie or salmon. I kept my eyes open for any bird activity but there was none to be seen and the only fish interested in my lures was a chopper tailor of 28cm.

I was returning to the ramp and was just about to go under the Endeavor Bridge when the silver Halco Scorpion I was trolling was hit hard. I could feel the weight of this fish immediately and the ‘thump, thump, thump’ being transmitted up the line let me know that it was a trevally peeling line off the reel.

I didn’t work the fish too hard as trevally have soft mouths and if you apply too much pressure you can pull the hooks. Slowly the silver-blue shape circled up from below and on the second pass I tail grabbed him and hauled him aboard. And what a ripper he was, too! 49cm’s to the tip and my best yet from Botany Bay. Or maybe it was the Cooks River, depending on whether the river starts from the breakwalls or the bridge. : )

The next trip was Sunday afternoon when Fordy and I launched from the ramp at Bonnet Bay on the Woronora River to see if the bream had started to venture back into the rivers again. To cut to the chase, we can say “No, they haven’t!’ We both hooked what felt like good fish but we must’ve just lip hooked them as the fight was over within a matter of seconds. The only two fish landed were a 38cm flathead for me and a nice ‘Pinkie’ for Adam from down near Como Bridge that both fell to 6” Sandworms in Camo colour.

Next Sunday will see me fishing the Georges River in the August Ausbream Social. I really hope those bream start to swim back upstream this week. Fingers crossed… Happy yakkin’, everyone.


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